Cant hook up to internet

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When using mobile broadband networks or Wi-Fi hotspots, the north hardware that directly connects a computer to the Internet is set up and maintained by service providers. Rebooting or restarting the iPad is simple and only takes a few moments to complete. UN553S6500 a 2012 model NOTE: I adore people that know their jobs. Ip address use 100, subnet con, 0, gateway 1 and finally DNS server 4. Seems like it's an issue that goes back to 2013. How do I figure out where it is coming from to see if I can order it or what. You will lose connection when doing this and have to redo your logon. Note some effort to solve my problem posted above, I learned the following: Many of the unsecured networks were service providers not public hot spotsand in order to connect to their site they needed to have your MAC address registered. If none of these fix the problem, move to the north more complicated steps below. I know I'm probably missing something REALLY stupid!.

I have just bought a LG 42LN575V TV and i set it up, after about 30 attempts to connect it to wifi it randomly connected, i tried to get into an app on the TV and it advised me i must update the software before being able to use the app, 30 minutes later i could not do anything as it kept saying wait for update to complete for the app,after 45 minutes i turned the TV off. When i then put the tv back on 10 minutes later it wasnt connected to wifi so again i tried to connect with, without any luck, i tried it manually imputing all the details IP, Gateway etc. I went on a number of forums which said to check the problem and i read to check to see if it said the IP was connected to another device so i did, and that and i saw that the TV was saying the IP address was connected to another device, so i turned everything off and it still didnt connect. I have tried everything and can not get it to work yet all my other deviced connect on and off ok and the TV is showing full wifi strength. I have been reading forums and trying things for 7 hours, little to say i am not impressed please help. I have even done a factory reset. Track this discussion and email me when there are updates If you're asking for technical help, please be sure to include all your system info, including operating system, model number, and any other specifics related to the problem. Also please exercise your best judgment when posting in the forums--revealing personal information such as your e-mail address, telephone number, and address is not recommended. Preview post Submit post Cancel post I am having the same problem with my LG LA6205. Mine was working fine before the firmware update. Following firmware update, I am still unable to connect through WiFi, despite several other devices being connected. I hardwired the TV with an ethernet directly connected to the modem and it connected fine. Hardwiring it with an ethernet through the router to the TV does not work. This is with factory resets on both the TV and the router. I will try it with a different router to see if that works. For CenturyLink, I went to the web address I then had to select my router name and model number from the list on the website. I then did a reset of my modem's IP address and then I rebooted my CenturyLink modem. Next, I went into my LG Smart TV and searched for the wireless network and re-entered my security key and then my Smart TV connected to Netflix without a problem. Afterwards my LG Smart TV connected just fine to Netflix. What I did not know at first is that you have to reset your modem online and not by just unplugging and plugging back in the router. I hope this helps. This will clear the cache on the TV. Step 2 Log into your router settings using the proper IP address for your router. Step 3 Back up your router settings. Just incase you need to restore Step 4 Reset your router to factory settings. Step 6 Once you get the confirmation screen, select other Network list and follow the steps to manually setup your Wifi or Wired connection. Thank you for helping me fix this problem. My wife was going nuts so about me buying expensive TVs which do not work. I was finally able to fix this problem and I did not know that we have to go online in order to reset the modem. I thought just unplugging it and waiting for a minute to plug it back in would reboot the modem but I was wrong. I did a reset and reboot of my modem online and then later I was able to use the network wizard on my smart TV to reconnect to Netflix. Thank you and I really appreciate you taking some time out of your day to help us fix this. For CenturyLink, I went to the web address I then had to select my router name and model number from the list on the website. I then did a reset of my modem's IP address and then I rebooted my CenturyLink modem. Next, I went into my LG Smart TV and searched for the wireless network and re-entered my security key and then my Smart TV connected to Netflix without a problem. Afterwards my LG Smart TV connected just fine to Netflix. What I did not know at first is that you have to reset your modem online and not by just unplugging and plugging back in the router. I hope this helps. I tried logging into my router online but there are no options to restore to factory defaults. I did backup the settings though. Then I performed a manual physical reset on my router. Then I reset my LG Google TV to factory defaults. Still can't connect to the router. It's saying it's out of range. At other times it detected it but couldn't connect. It only said Error in the network connection status but literally nothing else. So at this point my TV is in the middle of being reset and it can't connect to the router. Every single device I have connects perfectly fine to the router, this includes the laptop I'm using right now, a PC desktop, two smart phones, and a tablet. I've disconnected everything from the network except the two computers and a phone. So at this point I have no idea what to do. My TV and router are basically back to new out of the box settings and still won't connect. It seems like it's having trouble even turning on the wifi feature on the TV. It just keeps flickering disconnected then scanning, over and over. I don't know what else to do. Here's what I did: Access new router at 192. LG tech told me the TV will not handle wpa-wpa2 protocol but WPA would work. Push the WPS button on the router and then go to the TV and connect entering password when prompted. Obviously no security was not a long term option. Then, my wife's apple devices would not hook up to the wifi with the WPA protocol. My wife's apple stuff now uses SSID 2 and the TV uses CenturyLink connection. For reasons I don't get, the TV would not use the SSID 2 set up even with the WPA security designation. Hope that helps someone. Ok so here what I did to fix the issue, my issue was simple in nature however, it took me a few to figure it out. I had a major power outage and figured I had fried something so I replaced almost all my stuff before finding out that setting the date and time to automatic proved problemmatic. Set your date and time to your local time. Mine instantly was working after that. So easy yet so expensive....

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